Surfing and Flowers: Two Passions, One Collection

Living between art and multiple sclerosis

I’m excited to share more about our new notebook collection, and I must say, I’m in love with them. They turned out amazing. I have to admit, I’m not a fan of flowers as decorations in the house or anything like that, but I love painting them. It’s a fascination for me to discover the different colors of their petals in their various shades.

Although I don’t like them as decorations, painting them is a pleasure. I get so focused on perfecting them that I lose track of time, sometimes spending hours on a single flower (or even just one petal). Each layer is a visual representation of my emotions.

Representing My Inner Self

First, I start with choosing the paper for the painting base, which gradually help me release the anxiety and stress that come with living with multiple sclerosis. Not all stages are beautiful, just like living with multiple sclerosis. Some are raw, revealing what’s underneath, while others hide it. And some reveal the beauty that emerges from the struggle to accept ourselves as we are. That’s how part of the collection was born. On some covers, you can see the struggle to achieve the final result, but in all of them, the outcome is beautiful.

Peace and Relaxation

The surfing part is not hard to explain. My husband and I love watching the waves and the surfers. The ebb and flow of the waves bring peace and relaxation. Besides, learning to surf has always been my husband’s dream. (At least, he managed to get on a surfboard. But that’s a story for another day.)

Honestly, I don’t like swimming in the sea (I’ll tell you the reasons another time), but I do find peace in watching the waves. Moreover, I enjoy seeing my husband happy in the water, enjoying one of his favorite hobbies.

1 thought on “Surfing and Flowers: Two Passions, One Collection”

  1. Carmen Curet

    Bellezas siempre haces…
    Tu condición no te acobarda…
    Estoy muy orgullosa de todo lo que has logrado…
    Siempre serás mi niñita …
    Te amo mucho…!!!

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