Meet the team

Arte DJ started after our artist was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Because this condition prevented her from continuing to function at her place of employment, she found it necessary to occupy her mind and her time with something other than the sensation of feeling that she was no longer useful to her family.

Although it always caught her attention, she never thought that art would become part of her life, much less her escape and, at the same time, her therapy.

Our artist not only uses her emotions to create her abstracts, but her fascination with the island where she was born, Puerto Rico, also inspires her to create.

A mixed media painting of a pineapple made with paper, gesso, acrylic inks and paints, soft pastels, and charcoal pencil.

2 thoughts on “About us”

  1. Querida hija, tus obras de arte no solo son bellas sino que expresan tu sentir y hacen que nos sintamos orgullosos de ti… te amo

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