Ethereal Blooms, Original Artwork


An exquisite choice for special occasions such as weddings, or anniversaries, that celebrates the timeless beauty of a bouquet of pink.



An acrylic masterpiece on canvas, portraying a bouquet of flowers in varying shades of pink against a soft backdrop of pink and white. This 20 x 20-inch artwork captures the delicate beauty and timeless elegance of a floral arrangement.

  1. Graceful Floral Ensemble:
    • Features a gracefully arranged bouquet with flowers painted in different tones of pink.
    • The varying hues create depth and dimension, thus adding a sense of realism and artistic finesse to the composition.
  2. Soft and Harmonious Palette:
    • Revolves around soft shades of pink, hence creating a harmonious and tranquil atmosphere.
    • In fact, the gentle transition between pink and white in the background enhances the ethereal and timeless quality of the piece.
  3. Acrylic Brilliance:
    • Showcases the versatility of the medium.
    • Allows for a seamless blend of colors and the creation of intricate details that bring the floral arrangement to life.
  1. Size:
    • 20 x 20 inches
Perfect For:
  1. Feminine Interiors:
    • Is perfect for interiors with a feminine touch, such as bedrooms, dressing rooms, or any space where a sense of grace and delicacy is desired.
  2. Timeless Elegance in Living Spaces:
    • The soft and harmonious palette makes this artwork an excellent choice for living rooms and sitting areas, adding a touch of timeless elegance to the overall decor.
  3. Gallery of Floral Art:
    • Galleries specializing in floral art can feature it as a representation of the beauty and versatility that can be achieved with acrylics in floral compositions.
  4. Gift for Special Occasions:
    • Is an exquisite choice for special occasions such as weddings, or anniversaries, symbolizing beauty and enduring grace.
  5. Serene Office Spaces:
    • Enhance the ambiance of office spaces with a touch of tranquility and elegance by incorporating “Ethereal Blooms” into the decor.

“Ethereal Blooms” is a visually enchanting acrylic artwork that celebrates the timeless beauty of a bouquet in varying shades of pink. Whether adorning feminine interiors, contributing to a gallery of floral art, serving as a special occasion gift, or enhancing office spaces, this artwork offers a versatile and aesthetically pleasing experience.

Dimensions 20 × 20 in

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